Recalibration Period

Hello All,

The recalibration period should not make a lot of difference to us, since our class is already hybrid. However, I will make this Monday’s virtual class session an optional Portfolio Workshop, and Office Hours for anyone who wants help with their portfolio or the current Arts Review and Dystopia Assignments. (You will have chosen only one of these)

So this coming week, please continue to work on your drafts of whichever assignment you chose. Please find two potential sources. Please email your drafts to me, and if I have not responded to your drafts yet, please remind me.

Monday April 6th will be our first Grant Proposal Workshop. Please continue to check announcements for updates, and please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

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March 25th Office Hours

Hello All,

Today I will be available for office hours between 9.30 a.m. and 10.45 a.m. If you want to meet me in the Virtual Classroom, please email me at [email protected] or text me at 917-650-0515 a few minutes before you want to meet.

Thank you to those of you who have submitted your Op-Eds. I hope to finish grading them today. If you have any difficulty with completing any of the work at the moment, make sure you contact me to request an extension, and let me know if there’s anything  I can do to help.

Remember to contribute to either the Arts Review Genre Discussion or New Genre Discussion by 11:59pm today, and also please remember to have a draft of your Arts Review or Dystopia Assignment by next Monday March 30th. I’m still hoping a couple of you will volunteer to share sections of your essays with the class. If you would like to share your draft, please email me at [email protected] and attach the draft you would like to share.

Stay well,


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March 23rd Update

Hello All,

Thank you for a great class today. Your remaining tasks for this week are:

  • Post a statement and a response in one of the two discussion boards, either the New Genre Discussion or the Arts Review Genre Discussion, depending on which Assignment you have chosen. This is due by March 25th at 11:59 p.m. If you have already posted in a discussion, you don’t need to do this again. The password is always the same. Please find it in Blackboard.
  • Write a rough draft of either the Arts Review Assignment or the Dystopia Assignment. If you’re not sure what to write about, just choose a topic, and start writing whatever comes into your head. Your rough draft can be as simple as a page of free writing on the topic. Just get some ideas down on the page. This is due by March 30th at 11:59 p.m., but I’m hoping that some brave colleagues will submit their draft before 9:30 a.m. and perhaps offer to share some sections with the class. If you send me work to share by March 29th at 11:59 p.m., this would be a great help.

That is all you have to do this week. There are readings connected to each assignment, either in the assignment itself, or in drag down menu of the Readings section here.

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Assignment Update

Hello All,

Please remember your Op-Ed is due by March 23rd at 11:59pm.

Please note that for your next assignment you can choose either:

#1 Dystopia Assignment

#2 Arts Review Assignment

You will participate in the Genre Discussion connected to your chosen assignment.

Stay well, and I will see you all in our Zoom Virtual Classroom on Monday at 9:30am.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at [email protected].


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March 18th

Hello All,

I will be in our Virtual Classroom from 9:30-10.30, possibly longer.

Between now and next Monday March 23rd, please read the Dystopia Assignment.

By next Wednesday March 25th, please contribute to the New Genre Discussion. If you already contributed to the old Genre Discussion, you are excused from this.

Please remember the final draft of your Op-Ed is due by March 23rd at 11:59pm. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at

I hope to see some of you in today’s office hours!

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Virtual Classroom

Hello All,

How is everyone? We’ve all experienced a lot of changes over the past week, and I hope you are all doing okay. 

Since we are already a hybrid class, the switch to fully online should be fairly simple. I’ve asked you to participate in two online discussions before March 23rd, and to finish your Op-Ed. The final draft of the Op-Ed was due on March 16th. I will extend this to March 23rd at 11:59pm.

I will extend the due date for the Arts Review, and I will adapt the assignment, but I still want to move forward with the Grant Proposal Assignment on time.

Our virtual classroom will be available next Monday March 16th at 9:30am until 10:45am here: Virtual Classroom. You will be able to use the same link for every session.

I hope you are all well. Please participate in the discussions, please post the final drafts of your Op-Eds, and please send me any questions or concerns at [email protected].

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