Important Announcement

Hello All,

You have probably read the email from the interim president announcing that there will be a hiatus in classes between March 12th and March 18th, with classes restarting from March 19th.

From March 19th until further notice, our classes will be fully online. For our class, this simply means you have until March 23rd to complete the final draft of your op-ed and to respond to the Arts Review and Genre Discussion.

Due to this change in plans, I may need to redesign some elements of the course, particularly the final assignment, which is a group assignment. I believe you can still do group work virtually, and I will be available for video conferences every week, potentially at the same time as the Monday class.

I have opened a new discussion for suggestions about how we can adapt our class to incorporate this new reality, which is that we will mainly be meeting virtually for the foreseeable future.

I hope you are all well, and please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns at [email protected].

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